Volunteer at NSC
Volunteers lend their expertise to the Norwalk Senior Center in many different ways. Please look through the volunteer opportunities below, and see if one would fit your special skills.
Board Members
Volunteers bring their contacts & expertise to the organizations' strategic plan.
Mailing Teams and Administrative Support
Volunteers provide sorting, stapling, collating and address correction support for the bulk mailing of our newsletter. Volunteer receptionists help host the front desk, route incoming phone calls, and answer visitors' questions.
For additional information, contact Carlos Bolanos, the Front Desk Coordinator, at 203-847-3115.
Members' Council volunteers provide valuable feedback to the Center's staff regarding programs and services. They keep in touch with homebound and sick members, write sympathy notes and volunteer at many Senior Center events. Council members work with the Board of Directors to ensure the Center is meeting the needs of the membership.