Free Legal Services
1177 Summer St 4th Floor
Stamford CT, 06905
(203) 348-9216
CT Legal Services will be helping those who need legal assistance by phone or online.
Other Transportation in Norwalk
Norwalk Transit District
(203) 852-0000
The Norwalk Transit District offers public transportation for senior citizens who ride on their Wheels buses. It is only 85¢ per ride for 65+ or disabled adults. (You must show your Medicare, ADA ID or state elderly/disabled ID card to the driver).
(203) 299-5180
Dispatch-A-Ride Norwalk ADA transit services are available for travel within a ¾ mile radius of a Norwalk Transit bus route within Norwalk, during the same hours that the route operates. Service outside this ¾ mile area in Norwalk is not provided. This service is available to anyone with a disability and/or impairment that prevents them from using a city bus.
Wheels 2 U
Wheels 2U is an affordable ride sharing service in Norwalk, CT. Download the app, request a ride, and a vehicle will pick you up and drop you off in the Wheels 2U Norwalk service area. Visit the Wheels 2 U website for more information.