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Norwalk Senior Center

Pickleball Survey

Name (optional)

1.) How did you hear about our indoor court and Pickleball program?

2.) How long have you been playing Pickleball at 11 Allen Road?

3.) Are you actively playing now?

Select an option

4.) Do you use the outdoor court?

Select an option

5.) Do you feel welcome by staff on the courts while you play or wait to play?

Select an option


6.) Do you feel welcome by other participants on the courts while you play or wait to play?

Select an option


7.) Are you interested in lessons from a certified Pickleball pro for a fee?

Select an option

Any other comments:

We are conducting an annual satisfaction survey of our Pickleball program to elicit feedback from our participants and give you an opportunity to contact the necessary staff member when you need assistance or training. All survey responses are confidential.

Thank you for completing this survey! It helps us improve your experience.​

Beatrix Lane

(203) 847-3115 ext. 103

Jane Wenk

(203) 847-3115 ext. 108 

11 Allen Road, Norwalk, CT 06851

Phone: (203) 847-3115  Fax: (203) 849-1285

Mon-Fri  8:00 to 4:30

Tax Deductible Donations:

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Norwalk Senior Center

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