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ADA Information

Norwalk Senior Center Procedure Regarding Service Animals


Norwalk Senior Center abides by Connecticut law which requires public

accommodations to permit disabled people to use service animals to help them. 


Norwalk Senior Center staff will not ask the owner of the service animal to carry or provide documentation.


Any service animal must be under the control of the passenger and must not pose a threat to others.


If it is not apparent what a service animal does, the Norwalk Senior Center’s staff may ask if it is a service animal, and what tasks it performs for the person/owner. 

Norwalk Senior Center Procedure Regarding Adequate Time for Boarding


Norwalk Senior Center permits passengers to take all the time they require to board the minibuses. We do not rush passengers. Our passengers are elderly and disabled- they require plenty of time to move about. Norwalk Senior Center wants our passengers to take their time getting on and off the bus so falls can be prevented.

Norwalk Senior Center Procedure Regarding Passengers Traveling Without a Mobility Device Who Wish to Use The Lift to Board the Mini-Bus


Norwalk Senior Center permits passengers without a mobility device who wish to use the lift to board the mini-bus to do so.

Norwalk Senior Center Procedure Regarding Passengers Traveling with             Respirators or Portable Oxygen


Norwalk Senior Center permits passengers to board our mini-buses while              traveling with respirators or portable oxygen.


Norwalk Senior Center staff will take necessary precautions to secure the               respirator or portable oxygen tank for safe-keeping (they secure it with a seat belt).

11 Allen Road, Norwalk, CT 06851

Phone: (203) 847-3115  Fax: (203) 849-1285

Mon-Fri  8:00 to 4:30

Tax Deductible Donations:

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Norwalk Senior Center

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